Infopoint Cadore Dolomiti

Infopoint Cadore Dolomiti

Brico Store

Brico Store

Polisportiva Caprioli San Vito

The association deals with all the sports which can be practised in the mountains

Palatini estate agency

Born in 1972, the agency deals with rental and sale of houses...

CAI seats in the Cadore Dolomites

In the Cadore Dolomites, CAI seats are in San Vito, Pieve and Calalzo

Cooperativa San Vito di Cadore

Cooperativa San Vito di Cadore

Caldart Energia

Caldart Energia

San Vito di Cadore Iniziative Paesane Association

The association organizes parties and events in San Vito di Cadore

Das Volkskundemuseum

Il museo racconta la vita quotidiana e i vecchi mestieri di un tempo nelle Dolomiti del Cadore


Carum play cover of songs of famous singers and groups