Sport Store

Sport Store

Caldart Energia

Caldart Energia

Cultural Association Blues&Soul

The association organizes the San Vito Blues&Soul Festival, cineforum, Club 56 live music and atmosphere and many other events

San Vito chorus

Since 1977, the chorus has performed in Italy and abroad with its wide collection of songs

Cooperativa San Vito di Cadore

Cooperativa San Vito di Cadore

Uniqa Assicurazioni

Uniqa Assicurazioni

CAI seats in the Cadore Dolomites

In the Cadore Dolomites, CAI seats are in San Vito, Pieve and Calalzo

Pro Loco Borca di Cadore

Pro Loco Borca di Cadore

San Vido se bala association

The association organizes evenings of dance open to everybody with ballroom, latin and Sixties music


Carum play cover of songs of famous singers and groups