Arabba (Municipality of Livinallongo del Col di Lana) is a popular ski resort that lies in the heart of the Dolomites UNESCO at 1600 m asl, dominated by the overwhelming Sella Group, at the base of Passo Pordói and Passo Campolongo. Arabba and Livinallongo are parts of the Valle di Fodom, one of the four valleys that form the well-known Sella Ronda ski tour.

At the foot of the sella massif

Arabba (Municipality of Livinallongo del Col di Lana) is a popular ski resort that lies in the heart of the Dolomites UNESCO at 1600 m asl, dominated by the overwhelming Sella Group, at the base of Passo Pordói and Passo Campolongo. Arabba and Livinallongo are parts of the Valle di Fodom, one of the four valleys that form the well-known Sella Ronda ski tour.
The Andraz Castle, in dialect the "Ciastel" is the symbol of the Valle di Fodom; the fortress, built in 1027, was both an amministrative and military headquarter which knew its best period under the rule of the Bishops of Bressanone, as well as a strategic place for the control of trade traffic and viability: from Bressanone through Passo delle Erbe, Val Badia and Valparola you could get to Agordino, Belluno and Venice. It was the link with the near villages of Laste, Rocca Pietore, Avoscan And Alleghe through fire signals. It stopped the growth ambitions of Venice, which aimed to widen its conquests towards North: this Dolomite area was in fact very atractive for both  the timber and  the mining activity. Recently restored, this fortress gives to the surrounding landscape the atmosphere of ancient times.The value of this castle has been increased by a modern museum and offers to the visitors many interesting expositions and cultural events.

Another cultural attraction in the Valle di Fodom which deserves a visit, is the ancient Water Mill, just in the centre of Arabba.
Here for many many years the local people grinded rye and barley: a real masterpiece of poor mechanics, still perfect in its gears carved in hard wood.

Churches and monuments

The charming steeple of the San Giacomo church towers above the village as if to confirm that this place was once the centre of the entire community: the ancient  "Pieve" di Livinallongo. There are plenty of little churches and chapels containing unexpected artistic treasures  scattered throughout the territory that are worth visiting: the Cappella dei Flagellanti di Pieve - Beata Vergine di Lourdes, Chiesetta Santuario di Corte - Madonna della Neve, Chiesa curaziale di Ornella - SS. Fabiano, Sebastiano e Rocco, la Chiesa curaziale di S. Giovanni - S. Giovanni Battista, la Chiesetta di Renaz - Beata Vergine di Loreto, la Chiesetta di Cherz - S. Croce, the Parocchial Church in Arabba - SS. Pietro e Paolo, the little chapel at Passo Pordoi - B.v. Maria - Regina defensionis, the chapel on Col di Lana - S. Sebastiano to the war fallen, the church shrine in Pian di Salesei - S. Antonio da Padova, Chiesa curaziale di Andrai - SS. Trinità, Chiesa curaziale di Larzonei - S. Silvestro, Cappella di Pian - Madonna della Salute.