The municipality of the Marmolada area is Rocca Pietore (La Ròcia, in local dialect). With almost 1200 habitants, since 2016 Rocca Pietore is part of the Italy's most beautiful villages club with Sottoguda. In 2018 the municipality of Rocca Pietore was celebrated as an orange flag of the Italian Touring Club, for the quality of the hospitality and the touristic excellence.
The little villages that are in this area are all beautiful and full of history and tradition.
Whitin the historical monuments, it is worth a visit the gotic Church of S. Mary in Rocca Pietore: buit in 1442, in gotic style, it has a particular Ghibelline spire bell tower. Inside the churc, you can admire the altarpiece of 1517 and the tabernacle built in 1600.
Rocca Pietore is a town full of ancient traditions and culture that still survive today, thanks also to the support of the Union of Ladins de La Ròcia, which works to recover and enhance this cultural heritage.