Infopoint Cadore Dolomiti

Infopoint Cadore Dolomiti

Pro Loco Tiziano

Pro Loco Tiziano

Dolomiti Cadore Ski Club

Sport association who has become a point of reference for guys who do competitive skiing

Piccin Sport

Piccin Sport

Cortinese estate agency

The agency manages the rental and the sale of apartments and houses...

Union de i Ladin di San Vito e dell'Oltreciusa

I Ladin take care of historical traditions and costumes and of the Cadore territory

San Vido se bala association

The association organizes evenings of dance open to everybody with ballroom, latin and Sixties music

Das Geburtshaus von Tiziano Vecellio

L'antica dimora dove nacque e trascorse l'infanzia il grande pittore del Rinascimento

Das Brillenmuseum

L'industria dell'occhiale che da sempre caratterizza il Centro Cadore racconta qui la sua storia

Das MARC - Archäologisches Museum Cadorino

Il museo raccoglie i reperti archeologici ritrovati in Cadore, importanti testimonianze di storia e preistoria

San Vito chorus

Since 1977, the chorus has performed in Italy and abroad with its wide collection of songs

Das Volkskundemuseum

Il museo racconta la vita quotidiana e i vecchi mestieri di un tempo nelle Dolomiti del Cadore

Orizzonti Montani - Diego Stefani Alpine Guide

Ski mountaineering, snowshoeing, freeride, climbing in the Cadore Dolomites

Salone Dini e Donazzolo

Salone Dini e Donazzolo

Polisportiva Caprioli San Vito

The association deals with all the sports which can be practised in the mountains

Fiori Andrea Alimentari

Fiori Andrea Alimentari

Dolomiti Emergency

The insurance policy covers the costs of the search for missing people, rescue, recovery and transport by whatever means, including the use of the helicopter

Valboite band

Valboite banda has performed concerts in Italy and abroad since 1982