Chiesa Arcipretale di San Floriano (Pieve di Zoldo): This church dates back to the Xth century and the present structure in gothic style was consecrated in 1487. Main works of art: Altar of the souls by Andrea Brustolo, wooden statue of the Virgin of the Rosary by Valentino Panciera Besarel and The Descent of the Holy Spirit, altar piece by the Belluno painter Francesco Frigimelica.

Chiesa dell’Addolorata (Pieve di Zoldo): according to tradition the church goes back to the XIIIth century, but its consecration took place in 1576. Main works of art: altar piece attributed to the Belluno painter of the 16th century Nicolò de Stefani, crucifix and altar by Valentino Panciera Besarel.
Chiesa parrocchiale di S.Tiziano (Goima): the origins of the church are definitely prior to 1400. It was then expanded during the following centuries, also thanks to numerous bequests. Main works of art: the precious Flügelaltar (altar with doors) on the left hand side of the body of the church, attributed to Andrea Haller of Bressanone (c.a. 1520), altar piece by the Venetian painter Pietro Antonio Novelli, the high altar by the Belluno workshop of the Auregne, various sculptures by the artist Angelo Maier, born in Goima and a pupil of Besarel.

Chiesa parrocchiale di S. Anna (Zoppè di Cadore): the original church was built around 1530-1540. Main works of art: altar piece of St. Anna, attributed to the pupils of Titian, oil painting by Masi Simonetti “Transito of St. Joseph” and “Christ Crucified”, painted by Fiorenzo Tomea”.

Chiesa Arcipretale di San Nicolò (Fusine): traditionally, the church dates back to the XI th century, but according to the early documentation in the Archives of the Diocese of Belluno it dates from 1570. Principal art works: altar piece by Jacopo Marieschi, follower of Gaspare Dizioni, wooden polychromatic crucifix attributed to the pupils of Andrea Brustolon, crucifix and statue of St. Anthony by Valentino Panciera Besarel.

Chiesa parrocchiale di S. Valentino (Mareson): the church was solemnly consecrated in June 1492. Principal works of art: the high altar, designed and partially carried out by Andrea Brustolon, altar piece by the Venetian Giacomo Brusaferro, altar of the Holy Cross by Andrea Brustolon, paintings by Nicolò de Barpi.