Catch and Relese: Alleghe - Foce del Cordevole

From the bridge of Santa Maria delle Grazie to Alleghe lake. 1.3 km of the river reserved for Catch and Release fishing

Mountain running - Cencenighe-Avoscan-Masarè-Alleghe

This track starts near the Primary High School in Cencenighe...

Mountain running - Piani di Pezzè–Laghetto Coldai (Alleghe)

Starting point at 1500 m height in the locality of Piani di Pezzè

Mountain running - Transcivetta

The starting point from Listolade follows the road until...

Motorcycle Route Tour of Lakes (Alleghe)

The tour starts from Alleghe touching the most beautiful lakes of the western area of...

Fisching on the Cordevole River

Dalle sorgenti alla frazione di Santa Maria delle Grazie, il più lungo tratto torrentizio pescabile dell'Agordino

Fisching on the Coldai Lake


The pleasure of fishing in the mountains is priceless at Lake of Coldai

Fisching on the Alleghe Lake

The pleasure of fishing on a mirror of crystalline water under the north face of Civetta