Freelancer: Luca Magro

Known and appreciated by tourists for his likeableness, imagination, enthusiasm and willingness to help...

Freelancer: Fabio Bernardi

In-depth knowledge of the local area, qualified level III coach and experienced teacher of the various skiing techniques...

Ski: Umberto Lacedelli

Lezioni di sci per tutti i livelli, dai principianti agli sciatori provetti

Giulia Sala - Maestra di Sci

I started skiing when I was 3 years old and have never stopped. I’ve been racing for more than 12 years and became a ski instructor when I turned 19.

Freelancer: Paolo D’Amico

Famous and prestigious ski instructor Paolo D’Amico puts at the disposal of his clients competence, courtesy, like ableness, cordiality, as well as a profound knowledge of the local territory and of thetechniques of skiing.

Ski Instructor: Susanna Mannini

Susanna Mannini, maestro di sci a Cortina d'Ampezzo - Dolomiti

Freelancer: Massimo Pellegrino

At the Cortina Ski Centre 17 specialised ski instructors will teach you how to enjoy yourselves on the snow...