Bike at 5 Torri

3 h 15'

From the Cortina bus station, a few flat metres await you, before you take the SR48 on the first unpaved cycle track. 

Immediately after leaving the road, a very steep hill follows, with a gradient of up to 29 degrees, probably one of the steepest sections in Cortina d'Ampezzo. 

After this monstrous climb, a flat section follows: in about 5 kilometres, the difference in altitude is only 200 metres, before the final climb up to the Cinque Torri. 

Once you have completed this part, first enjoy the view of the mountain and admire the climbers on the rock face. After a short break, the descent towards Cortina d'Ampezzo follows, following the same route as the outward journey.



24,8 km
Positive elevation gain
998 m
Negative elevation gain
998 m