Tour Lago Ghedina

3 h 10'

This is a very nice dirt track tour, which mainly features many technical sections. Mostly you ride on the western side of the mountain above Cortina d'Ampezzo: the Tofane.

From the Cortina d'Ampezzo bus station, the start of this circuit is very pleasant and flat. You start in the direction of Crignes, from there you climb up the first forest roads, which are perfect for a ride with a gravel bike. After 8 kilometres you can also turn right for Rifugio Lago d'Ajal and take a short break with a view of Cortina d'Ampezzo. After the lake there are several very steep serpentines. This section is the most difficult of the route. However, shortly afterwards the height difference is overcome and you can continue downhill. After about 18 kilometres you will reach a point where you cross the road to the Montanelli Pass. Return to Cortina along the cycle path that runs alongside the SS51.


26,5 km
Positive elevation gain
870 m
Negative elevation gain
870 m