Rainfall: Mostly absent - Probability: 10% Snow Altitude:
Rainfall: Light rainfalls - Probability: 20% Snow Altitude: Above 1600-1800 m
at 2000 meters
at 3000 meters
Friday 24 January
at 2000 meters -1 C min 3 C max
at 3000 meters -7 C min -2 C max
Saturday 25 January
Sunday 26 January
Memorable rock band, born in San Vito di Cadore, who also introduced the concerts of Mia Martini and Ivano Fossati in Longarone
Uniqa Assicurazioni
Libreria Dolomiti
The association organizes the San Vito Blues&Soul Festival, cineforum, Club 56 live music and atmosphere and many other events
Born in 1972, the agency deals with rental and sale of houses...
L'antica dimora dove nacque e trascorse l'infanzia il grande pittore del Rinascimento