Rainfall: None - Probability: 0% Snow Altitude:
at 2000 meters
at 3000 meters
Saturday 8 March
at 2000 meters -1 C min 2 C max
at 3000 meters -6 C min -5 C max
Sunday 9 March
Monday 10 March
The association deals with all the sports which can be practised in the mountains
Carum play cover of songs of famous singers and groups
L'industria dell'occhiale che da sempre caratterizza il Centro Cadore racconta qui la sua storia
The insurance policy covers the costs of the search for missing people, rescue, recovery and transport by whatever means, including the use of the helicopter
Pro Loco Borca di Cadore
Fiori Andrea Alimentari
Pro Loco Tiziano
Pro Loco Valle di Cadore
I Ladin take care of historical traditions and costumes and of the Cadore territory
Infopoint Cadore Dolomiti